Restaurant Hygiene Posters

Hygiene posters for your restaurant—CDC recommended

Discover the benefits of displaying hygiene posters. Learn about CDC(Centers for Disease Control )with Hygiene posters for restaurants.

Fran Dev

Hygiene posters provide information about the COVID-related protocols for people. The restaurants use Hygiene posters to educate the customers, employees, and clients about the several health and food safety practices. It depicts the health protocols and food-specific general instructions, such as safe cooking temperature, food allergies, hand sanitation, illness prevention posters, etc. 

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has published several informational posters related to the COVID-19 pandemic. These posters are not mandatory but are highly useful for both employers and customers. It can be either displayed in restaurants or outside. 

Let us now discuss the different types of posters recommended by CDC for restaurants:

Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

The first and the most essential poster is to stop the spread of germs. This poster depicts the six essential components that can stop the spread of germs. 

People can avoid the spread of germs by avoiding close contact with people who are sick, avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, stay home when they are sick, etc. 

Please wear a face mask 

As the name clearly suggests, it serves as a notice that people are required to wear a mask and practice social distance in a restaurant. It helps to maintain a certain level of hygiene and safety at the food places. The 6 ft distance helps avoid spreading the germs from one person to another.  

Stay home if sick

Stay home is an advisory poster for people who are sick. It is advised that people who are not well or feeling symptoms of COVID or are sick must stay at their houses. If you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, do not enter the restaurants but rather stay at home. 

Stay healthy, and wash your hands 

The next poster is quite implied. It states that we all should wash our hands and stay healthy. A person is required to wash their hands for about 20 seconds with soap. It will help to kill the germs. You can also use alcohol-based hand sanitizers if soap is not readily available. It also avoids transferring germs onto objects and surfaces. 

Coronavirus Symptoms 

It is one of the most essential posters that is required in all the restaurants. It explains the different symptoms that a COVID patient might have. It includes fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The symptoms might appear 2-14 days after exposure to the disease.  

Coronavirus Factsheet 

The next poster contains all the important questions and facts about coronavirus that an individual must know about. It answers several questions including what coronavirus is, can people in the U.S. get COVID-19, how can I help protect myself, how does COVID-19 spread, etc. It can help people be more vigilant when dining at a restaurant. 

COVID-19 5 Facts

The COVID-19 5 facts posters cover the concrete facts of the virus. It also helps to stop the spread of rumors. It includes the details about the diseases that can make anyone sick, symptoms and signs of the virus, things that you can do to keep yourself healthy, and quarantine instructions. 

Please read before entering 

The 'please read before entering' poster contains the details of the coronavirus symptoms. It is placed outside the restaurants stating that if you have these symptoms, contact the nearby clinic. It is used to spread awareness about the virus's symptoms and protects others from the same. 

How to safely wear and take off a face cloth mask

It includes instructions on how to take off your mask in restaurants or public places and what is the correct way of wearing a mask. Most people wear a face mask in the wrong way that spreads the germs, so it is a perfect poster to educate them on how to wear a mask correctly. 

How to protect yourself and others 

This poster includes the guidelines on how you can protect yourself and others from getting the virus. It is categorized into two main parts, how it spreads and what you can do to stop the spread. 

What to do if you are sick

Another poster recommended by the CDC is the guidelines of what to do if you are sick. It includes the details about medical care and how you can take care of yourself at your home. 

CDC safe glove removal 

The safe glove removal poster explains the steps to remove a glove carefully without making any contact with the bare hands. It is perfect for restaurants as employees always cook food with their gloves on. 

Germs are everywhere - sanitation 

This poster is used to spread awareness to employees and customers to wash their hands frequently and maintain sanitation in restaurants. The majority of the food-services businesses are required to display a sanitation poster in their restaurant or place. 

Facial hairstyles compatible with masks

This poster helps with the ideas of what type of hairstyles are perfect for people working at restaurants and other food services stores. The right hairstyle can avoid unnecessary contact with your face and hence minimize the risk of infection. This poster is quite helpful for people struggling to get their hairstyles right. 

Cover your cough 

Cover your cough poster helps to remind employees and customers to stop the spread of germs. They can do so by covering their cough or nose with a tissue. If they don't have a tissue, they can use their upper sleeve or elbow, but not their hands. 

All these posters are highly essential for restaurants to educate the employees, employers, and customers about the COVID-19, how they can avoid spreading the germs and keep themselves and others safe. 

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