Aug 17, 2022
Restaurant Employee Evaluation to Build and Retain Your Dream Team

A restaurant manager is always multitasking. There is never a dull moment while they are on duty. However, amidst all the action and frenzy they often lose touch with their team members. Closely monitoring each team member’s performance on a day-to-day basis is always a challenge. The result is disengaged employees and a disaster waiting to happen at any moment . So how does one tackle this? 

An employee evaluation form coupled with regular performance reviews helps achieve two things:

  • It keeps employees engaged
  • It helps you identify any process lapses and maintain gold-standard service

Did you know, a highly engaged employee has the potential to generate more sales than their less engaged counterparts? 

While it is simple to measure tangible metrics such as  sales , it is more difficult to quantify metrics  such as employee engagement. A restaurant employee evaluation form is an effective way to quantify and evaluate intangible performance metrics. The success of your restaurant ultimately depends on your employees. It takes more than just hiring the best talent to make your restaurant a success. Keeping employees engaged and retaining the best is what will help you make your dream team.

Restaurant employee evaluation form

Managers and supervisors use an employee evaluation form to assess the individual performance of each of their team members over a certain period of time. The form is basically a written record of performance reviews, which may be done on a quarterly/half-yearly/yearly basis. An employee evaluation form helps managers  gauge their team members’ performance in various aspects. It helps them identify an employee's strengths and areas where team members need help to perform better. Employee evaluation forms also give an employee the opportunity to assess their own performance and identify areas they lack expertise in.

Should restaurant managers use employee evaluation forms? 

A simple and straight-forward answer to this question is YES. Employee evaluation forms help managers to quantify qualitative metrics such as ability to work in a team, ability to perform under pressure, and more by grading them on a scale. It makes subjective evaluations more objective. Restaurant employee evaluation forms bring managers and team members on the same page with respect to the strengths and improvement areas for that team member. Evaluations are also an opportunity for an employee to evaluate himself/herself. It helps them track their progress and set goals for themselves.

Employee evaluation forms come in handy when management has to identify the best performers, choose the one fit to be promoted into a new role, and also identify non-performers. It is an essential tool to enable restaurant owners to build and retain their dream team. 

Using the employee evaluation form the right way

It is important to incorporate an employee evaluation form into the performance review process the right way to make the most of it. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you understand the right way to use a restaurant employee evaluation form in an effective way.

1. Familiarize your employees with the process

Explain to all new joinees how performance reviews work in your restaurant. Share the tentative schedule, and walk them through your employee evaluation form. This will give them a clear picture of how they’ll be evaluated during a performance review. It will also help them perform better in their jobs as the employee evaluation form sets a clear tone of expectations. 

2. Explain the reason behind using employee evaluation forms

It is important to let employees know why you are using employee evaluation forms. Most restaurants use evaluation forms to:

  • Keeping track of their performance
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Make decisions about promotions and pay raises

3. Inform your employees about the performance review schedule

A performance review should not be a surprise to your employees. Inform your team members well in advance about your performance review schedule. Whether you evaluate all of your staff at the same time or evaluate them in a staggered way based on their tenure, informing them  in advance is necessary.n. Encourage employees to use this time to review their past evaluations, reflect on their progress, and revisit and reassess their professional development goals.

4. Employees’ self-evaluation

Give your employees enough time to self-evaluate before their performance review meeting. Share the employee evaluation form with your team members over an email or performance assessment platform if you have one. Design the form such that employees are able to grade their performance, comment, and also provide feedback. This self-evaluation helps employees  track their progress, set goals, and hold themselves accountable.

5. Evaluate employee performance

Now that employees have done their self-evaluations, it's time for the manager to assess their team members and fill out their employee evaluation forms. Evaluate your team members on both qualitative and quantitative metrics when filling out the form and conducting their performance review.

6. Share completed evaluation form with your team members prior to a performance review meeting

Prepare them well in advance for what’s in store in their one-on-one performance review meeting. How does one  do that? By sharing the filled out forms with your team members before their review. This will help them process the feedback (positive or negative) and also keep their questions ready.

7. Conduct one-to-one performance review meetings

No one likes their shortcomings being discussed in public, especially at their workplace. Schedule one-on-one meetings with each team member and walk them through their evaluation form in that meeting. Explain to them the feedback in detail and the rationale behind the ratings you have given them. Address any queries your team members may have and be open to their suggestions. Empathize with them and try to provide them with a solution to overcome any challenges they might be facing.

8. Help your employees set realistic professional goals

Discuss the way forward with your employees during their reviews. If someone is not performing as expected, help them by identifying training programs that can assist them with upskilling. You could also assign a mentor to them and help them set goals so that they can improve in areas they are lacking. Help outstanding performers identify what is it they should do to step into a higher role. 

Communicating positive feedback is as important as communicating negative feedback. Failure to do so may cost you your star performers. A good restaurant employee evaluation program plays a significant role in keeping employees engaged, retaining them, and building your dream team!

How do you keep your restaurant employees engaged? Do you conduct employee performance reviews on a regular basis in your restaurant? We would love to know how your employee evaluation program has helped you build your restaurant team. 

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