Oct 31, 2022
Food Trends to watch out for in 2023

The internet and ever-evolving technology has exposed us to many things we were unaware of. As a world we are now better connected, well informed, traveling more than ever, exploring new cultures and countries, and in the process also getting to know of many new cuisines. As our appetite to try new things keeps expanding the world around us keeps changing to accommodate our new life choices.

Food choices that are trending

Food has since time immemorial brought people and cultures together and continues to do so even today. One thing that has however changed is that now the trend of dining out and take-away meals has grown exponentially making food a big industry in itself. Besides, our likes and dislikes, and what we consume determines the supply, demand, and trends for every industry, and the food business is no different. Traveling to new places, our changed perspectives and lifestyles post the pandemic has given rise to many new trends within the food industry.

If you are a food business owner looking at revamping your business or the food menu of your restaurant, you must take note of these food trends that will be a hit in 2023.

Veganism drives demand for plant-based food

Going ‘vegan’ is the new cool. Individuals identifying themselves as vegan have increased exponentially over the last 5 years. Meat and dairy are fast being replaced by plant-based alternatives and the trend doesn’t seem to faze anytime soon. Guess who is driving this trend, the millennials perhaps the largest living adult population around the globe. Demand for dairy milk alternatives like almond-milk, coconut milk, oats milk, soya milk are at an all time high. Restaurants really need to innovate and update their menu with plant-based food and beverage options to cater to this growing vegan population.

Zero alcohol beers

During the global lockdowns many people realized the ill-effects of overindulgence of alcohol. People still want to enjoy a drink or two when hanging out with friends but without being under influence. Millennials and Gen-Z are drinking mindfully and the popularity of zero alcohol beer and cocktails is fast picking up. The trend has been embraced in equal measure by breweries and bars. Beer-breweries are crafting an entire range of alcohol free beers to cater to the growing popularity of zero alcohol beers. With more and more people making a conscious effort to shift to a more healthier and mindful lifestyle the demand for alcohol free beers and mocktails will continue to rise. If you are already not stocking or brewing zero alcohol beer, it's time to start doing so soon.

Cold brew coffees

Hot brew coffee has been around for as long as we can all remember. But once cold brew coffee made a debut a few years back we were all smitten by it and can’t seem to have enough of it even now. Cold brews are rich in flavour, creamy, and delicious. It’s the perfect shot of caffeine packaged in a yummylicious cold brew perfect to beat the heat. Another reason for the rising popularity of cold brews is the simple way in which it can be brewed. It is for a reason that cold brew coffees are one of the hottest trends in the US. The popularity and takers of cold brew coffee continue to rise and its craze is not going to fade out soon. The cold brew coffee market is estimated to be worth $944.16 million by 2025. This means 2023 will see more cafes adding a variety of cold coffee brews to their menu.

Keto diet

The low carbs, high-fat diet designed to manage weight in the 1920s is still a popular choice among millennials and Gen-Z both. Keto diet when properly followed is know to reduce weight, keep sugar levels in control, and is beneficial in treating cancer and heart diseases as well. As more and more people become health-conscious restaurants are adding a complete range of keto friendly items on their menu to cater to this huge population of keto loyalists. The keto foods industry is estimated to be valued at $15.6 billion by 2027, we guess that’s motivation enough to add an interesting keto menu to your existing restaurant menu.

Mushroom – the magic ingredient

Everyone loves mushrooms. It is used in pizzas, pastas, bruschetta, soups, rice, noodles, and as a proper dish in itself. The love for mushrooms doesn’t seem to die down. A report by The New York Times has declared mushroom as the “Ingredient of the year – 2022”. Even if mushroom is not your favourite ingredient, it still needs to be on that menu for the benefit of your restaurant.

Fusion food

While authentic regional cuisine is an all time favourite, fusion cuisine is fast gaining popularity among food connoisseurs and masses alike. One can attribute the popularity of fusion cuisine to social media and the internet. With enticing pictures of food floating around on various social media channels people are getting exposed to new cuisines more than ever before. This has led to regional chefs come up with new cuisines with a twist of the local flavour to suit the taste palette of the region they are serving. People are embracing this trend and more than eager to try both new and fusion cuisines. The popularity of fusion is here to stay in 2023 and way beyond.

No wastage cooking

There is no shying away from the fact that restaurants create unimaginable amounts of food wastage. Approximately 4-10% of food gets wasted even before it reaches a customer, accumulating to 22-23 billion pounds of food wasted by restaurants in the US alone. We are living in a world where natural resources are getting scarce with every passing day. As we work towards living our life in an environmentally conscious manner restaurants too are playing their part. Practices to implement zero waste cooking are picking up pace among food business owners and the trend is here to stay for the larger benefit of the community we live in. 

Many of these trends present restaurant owners with an opportunity to try something new and get experimental with their menu and the way they conduct business. By embracing these trends not only can your food business make more moolah but also ensure the happiness and satisfaction of your customers is never compromised. What according to you are the food trends that are picking up pace and will continue to be popular in 2023 and beyond? Do let us know in the comments section below.

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