Dec 23, 2020
Finally. Some positive predictions for Brick and Mortar in 2021
Julissa Merius

Julissa from Delightree here 👋 and with some good news for Brick and Mortar shops in 2021. There are many opinions on how the economy will shape up for small business owners in 2021 …

and no one is more invested in a revamped economy than the “Covid Losers.”

Explanation: While the value of some industries boomed during the pandemic, others suffered immensely…

The “Covid winners” include apps like Zoom, DoorDash, and UberEats. “Covid Losers” include hospitality industries like Retail stores, Spas, and Gyms.

However: if you can’t completely transition to online business due to the nature of your business and you are entirely unsure of what to expect in the new year then you fall into this category.

As a result, amid the swarm of New Year articles about a new remote lifestyle; an increase in bitcoin’s value; the acquisition of Slack, stands the small-business owner ignored.

Let’s put a smile on those sad faces!

Yes. it’s true that online shopping is now an important part of life for many Americans but that does not mean that the In-Store Shopper dependent stores should go into 2021 completely dispirited. Follow along for 3 positive Post-Covid predictions for the small business owner.

1) Awesome Land Opportunities — Early 2021

Whether you rent or own the property where your brick-mortar operates: expect outstanding value when it comes to purchasing or renting a commercial property in early 2021. One of the major news in the news cycle right now is the move of multiple major corporations from big cities to other states due to coronavirus restrictions. Quality real estate in popular NYC high-rise properties is sitting empty.

This means: Brick-Mortar has an opportunity to snag up some quality real estate at a low price.

Real estate industry giant Phil Blumber sees 2021 as the best real estate opportunity in a decade.

See! Good news! The low cost of real estate is something all entrepreneurs should take advantage of at the start of the new year.

2) A Revamp of In-Store Shopping Experience — Early-Mid 2021

Staples launches kiosks enabling customers to buy online, what they can’t find in the stores!

The truth is, online shopping and food delivery services were doing well far before the pandemic.

TBH, online shopping dominating the consumer market share was bound to happen. I predict that this realisation coupled with the pandemic will result in a complete revamp of the In-Store Experience in 2021. I predict Brick and Mortar shops will integrate even more closely with technology and digitise many aspects of their operations to keep up with the new times.

As a consumer, I mostly prefer to shop in-store when the lines are short and the staff is polite.

More Brick & Mortar stores will see the importance of streamlining operations as a way to keep their staff happy and polite with customers. I call business owners finding a way to revamp the in-store and dining experiences completely to keep up with online shopping in 2021. This prediction is not too far off either. Staples introduced kiosks in two flagship stores that allow you to online shop…

while shopping in-store.

I think Staples is right to think of creative ways to use technology as a way to make the in-store experience more appealing and I predict more businesses will soon follow suit.

3) An Influx of Shoppers — Mid-Late 2021

A vaccine has finally arrived and is being distributed as we speak.

Still, even when the coronavirus is over, major companies like Twitter have decided to go completely remote with corporate work..forever.

What does this mean for your business? Increased work flexibility means working professionals will have more time to visit their favourite stores for groceries, baked goods, or swimming lessons.

The professionals that — shop at Staples and do spa dates and grab quick bites — will be experiencing a new normal and newfound freedom from the office following the end of the pandemic. I predict that this means there will be an influx of shoppers to your store following more than a year and a half of being stuck inside

These are a few predictions meant to encourage business owners to keep fighting the good fight. Whether that means shutting down for a few months so you can re-open strong, whatever is best for your business, expect a positive 2021 this year for your business and you will have one! There are good things happening amid a pandemic that you can benefit from. Congress finally agrees on a stimulus package, the election is officially over bringing stability to markets, and a vaccine is finally being distributed. 2021 is going to be a great year for small businesses. Just watch.

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